Happy New Year from Leather’o

What a great gig! Thanks to everyone who crammed into the fabulous upstairs room at the Black Swan in York on Saturday night and the trail of people down the stairs, trying to get in! Here’s a fashionably low-res pic of one of the fabulous acts – Over The Yard Arm: https://www.facebook.com/OverTheYardarm

We particularly liked Bryony’s version of Jolene, Steve absolutely loved Aimie’s rocking set, I enjoyed Sarah more than ever (best rendition I’ve ever heard of “One For the Crow…”) and OTY were great – singalong, bass recorder, explosives and all!

We’re gig hunting and the 2014 calendar’s filling up – see you soon and Happy New Year!

A Great Year for Leather’o

2013 has been a great year for Leather’o – we’ve had such a great time! We’ve done more gigs than ever, three weddings, The Galtres Festival for the first time with this line-up (to add to the considerable festival experience among the band members!) and we’ve added lots of new material – some original and some arrangements of traditional tunes. We’ve made new friends and played in new venues. The on-stage energy has never dropped!

A huge thank you to everyone who’s come and listened, danced and stamped their feet! Special thanks to the fellow musicians who have shared the bill with us (or us with them) and to the promoters and venues who have put us on.

We hope to see as many of you as possible at our last gig of 2013 at The Black Swan in York on Saturday 28 December. Our gigs are always shown on the home page of our website and 2014 is filling up already – see you at a gig, soon!

Happy New Year!
Angela, Bob, Elaine, Linds and Steve – Leather’o

28 December – Super Festive Gig at the Black Swan in York

We wouldn’t usually publicise a gig so far in advance but we’re really excited about this one. We’ve got a tradition of putting on a gig between Christmas and New Year and this year it will be in the upstairs room at The Black Swan, famous for hosting its award winning folk club.

We have some of our great friends like Aimie J Ryan and Sarah Dean playing, plus singer song writer Bryony Drake and the fantastic Over The Yardarm. We have so many people playing that we’ll be starting early at 6pm.

It’s a very intimate room so we are selling tickets in advance, they cost £5 + 70p P&P.

Now, having pasted in all those links, I can work out the league table of which of us has the most LIKES on Facebook. So, the competitive bit me is thinking competitive thoughts…


It’s been an exciting week in Leather’oville as we launched our Facebook page and in just a few days have achieved 100+ likes! Thank you to all our lovely friends and fans for your support.

Plans are afoot for our second festive extravaganza between Christmas and New Year. We’ve booked a very special venue and we’re working on arranging some very special guests.

Last year our show at The Winning Post was a huge success and led onto a year of gigs; big, small, fun and downright peculiar. We’re hoping this year’s shindig will round off the year with a flourish and lead us into more of the same in 2014.

In the meantime, what a great gig last Saturday at The Golden Ball! We’ll be playing there again in December.

Next two shows – Londesborough, Selby and The Golden Ball, York

Our next two gigs will be Lunchtime at The Londesbourough in Selby on Sunday 22 September as part of the Selby Little Festival and Saturday night 28 September at The Golden Ball in York.

We played a short set at The Golden Ball last month, warming up for The Galtres Festival and there was a great atmosphere (as well as the most torrential rain! – we got soaked!). This time we’ll be playing a full length set including the new material we’ve added recently.The Golden Ball is a community pub, owned by its regulars. The interior is absolutely gorgeous and the beer’s great. It’s one of the most intimate live music venues in York (along with our favourite, the Snickleway) – hope you can join us there on the 28th of September!