
People say some lovely things about the band:

“I’ve had the pleasure of putting on Leather’o a couple of times and continue to be impressed with not just their inventive arrangements & engaging live show, but also their professionalism & commitment to what they do. The perfect package“
– Phil Simpson, Strada Agency, October 2019

“thanks for making it an amazing night. A real corker! People loved you”
– promoter, sold-out gig at East Riding Theatre Café, Beverley, 2019

“…thanks for playing a blinding set. Everyone loved you.”
– Stage host, Folk Festival, May 2019

“The Earth Wind and Fire of Folk” 
– Gig Promoter, April 2018

– That well-dressed woman at that charity gig, April 2018

“Leather’o joined us from York last Sunday at the Mill Hey Brew House and put on a stellar performance … All of them are fantastic musicians who worked together to create an amazing sound of seamless music. Thanks a lot… we would love you to come back once again.”

– Acoustic Sunday Session, February 2018

“I knew you were very good, but had no idea you were so awesome! I will be in contact!”

– Folk Festival Organiser, October 2017

“Hope you’ve got some energy left after last night’s brilliant gig. Really stunning.”

– Well known film and TV composer, September 2017

“I had heard a lot about the York band Leather’o. I saw them live for the first time last night and I was knocked out by them!”

– Well known local singer-songwriter

“I was completely flooded with emotions listening to your band. Celtic music haunts me with such a yearning to understand my heritage… it actually left me with tears on my cheeks. It was unforgettable.”

– American audience member, Snickleway Inn, September 2015