New videos on our Watch page from our set at The Slip Inn Beer Festival.
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Lá sona Naomh Pádraig!

We will be appearing at The Victoria Vaults on Sunday 17th March St Patrick’s Day at 3pm – before the marvellous York duo ‘2 Bob’
Little Leather’o (Elaine, Angie & whoever else fancies coming along and joining in…) will be at The Snickleway Inn from 8:30pm
Great Christmas gig at The Winning Post, York
Thanks to everyone who came along and made our Christmas gig at the Winnie such a great success. Special thanks to all the dancers (with or without our caller, Clay!) and to our two great support acts, sounding checking all together in this photo:

The Winning Post, York – Saturday 29th December 2012

Note the “free entry”? It’s strictly first-come first-served and our first special guest, the beautiful Sarah Dean will be on stage at 8pm!

Next gig for Little Leather’o (the duo) is in the Snickleway (have a look at the Calendar to your right). The bar’s really small so you can’t help getting a good view.