Our three gigs in Scotland over Easter lived up to every expectation! We had great, appreciative audiences and some extraordinary feedback, including a couple of invitations to return and play again, soon. Here we are playing an afternoon session at Fyne Ales:

We also gigged several new tunes and found some time to work on a few more (including two great new songs Angela will be singing) that we’ll be bringing out in the summer.
A Leather’o tour isn’t complete without a spontaneous photo shoot on someone’s phone, so here we are in a wood up a Scottish mountain. We’ll have to photoshop the lads in because Jack wasn’t out of bed yet, and Callum’s still somewhere in Asia – he’ll be back on percussion next week.

The next few weeks will include gigs in Scarborough, York and the Lake District, and rehearsals for an exciting new development that we’ll be launching at the beginning of June!